Tuesday, September 10, 2013

N Scale Track Plans

A Little Side Tracked

Please forgive the off-topic post. My recent computer crash has had me going through lots of old files lately, and looking through my collection of old N scale track plans got me thinking that others might enjoy seeing them too. Drawing track plans is one of my favorite parts of this hobby, and though I no longer model in N scale, I offer them up here to the world, free of charge, to anyone who might enjoy them. They're all build-able and would probably be a lot of fun. Just be sure to let me know if you decide to build one of them! (Edit: I've recently returned to N scale modeling with a small side project, the Pagosa & Southern. Check it out here.)

Tonto & Sudinero

A 3'x9' layout with a western mining theme. This one is loosely based on the Verde Canyon Railroad near Jerome Arizona. Minimum radius is 12". Track is Atlas code 55. By the way, in spanish, tonto y su dinero means "a fool and his money." A good name for any model railroad in my wife's opinion.

The Wye Knot & Western

One of my favorites. A lot of layout in a small space. Deep canyons, tall bridges and room for expansion in just 3'x6'. Themed as a mining layout here but might be even better as a logger. Track is Atlas code 55. The hidden track at lower right can connect to staging. Unmarked turnouts are #6s.

Small, simple and scenic in just 2'x4'. 10" radius curves, Atlas code 55. I built this one and almost finished it before moving on to other interests. Fun little display layout.

Yup, it's an N scale version of John Olson's famed MR project railroad, the Jerome & Southwestern, adapted for a 30" wide hollow core door (HCD).  Atlas code 55. Note that I never got around to drawing the bridges, but those are all elevated crossings.

This one is an adaptation of the famed Gumstump and Snowshoe switching layout with a little more operating fun built in. Track is Atlas code 80.

Rocky Gap & Western

And last but not least we have the RG&W, based in part on John Allen's original Gorre & Daphetid. I built this one long ago and had a lot of fun with it. 3'x9' with Atlas code 80 as marked.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this little side trip into N scale plans and if anyone chooses to build one of them I'd love to see it. I'd be happy to answer any questions in the comments section below. 

Happy trails!

Edit: 10/17/14
Here is the plan for an N scale switching layout currently under construction on a shelf in my studio:

The Pagosa & Southern is just 12" x 72" and uses Kato Unitrack.


  1. Thunder Mesa Mining Co.: N Scale Track Plans >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Thunder Mesa Mining Co.: N Scale Track Plans >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Thunder Mesa Mining Co.: N Scale Track Plans >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK

  2. the Wye Not and Western is really cool. I'm considering building this as a side project , but does it have continuous run anywhere? I cannot figure it out. Please help! Thanks!

    1. Im been trying to figure it out also, did you yet ?

  3. Make another Virginia and Truckee because I live in that area and I love the first one a bigger one would be better.


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